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Hawking - meb groups


Posted to Time Traveler Group
2021-12-19 02:31:02
On June 28, 2009, the late Dr. Hawking hosted a party (experiment) for time travelers.
The content of the party was unique in that he held the party without prior notice, and after the party was over, he released the invitations (if future people existed, they would accept the invitations and come).
However, none of the participants showed up.
Why such a result when there are actually time travelers like me?
There was a flaw in this experiment. It was the timing of the invitations. As I've said before, you can't change the past. If he sends out the invitations after a party with zero attendees, he can't change the outcome.(Even if the past has changed, it is unobservable.)
For this experiment to work, he should have sent the invitation after the time traveler came to the party.
It may seem like the order is reversed, but since the time traveler cannot change the past, he needs to provide a past where the participants exist.

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